Jan 26, 2014
It’s funny how much your life can change in less than a week. Looks like I am moving on and up in my career. I got a great job offer this last week. I’ll be sad to leave behind my coworkers, but I’m excited for the new opportunity! I can’t wait to get in and get to work. I’m going to be learning so much, and being the nerd that I am, I’m stoked. I just wish I could start sooner, but I have to do what I have to do and wrap up loose ends for my old job. Yay for the future!
So it’s been a week since my last post, lets see if I can sort all my pictures out.
Day 20 – Daughter again, but come on! She’s adorable.

Day 21 – A job offer!

Day 22 – Ok so she’s my go to picture. But I am thankful for her everyday. Maybe I should get more creative?

Day 23 – I just like seeing double numbers on the clock :). 11:11

Day 24 – More adorable.

Day 26 – I finally got to see the otters at the zoo. They’re always hiding. I love them.

Jan 19, 2014
So, it’s been an annoyance to me for a long time that whenever I need to change a favicon for a site the old one is cached in the browser for a long time.
Enter this helpful little tip: just add ?v=2 to the end of the image file and the browser will update it immediately. Tiny victories!
(I’m a little sad to say it took me this long to track down the solution, but I guess I’ll just chalk it up to being busy…all the time?)
Jan 14, 2014
Ok so I’m still taking pictures…let’s get to it!
Day 8 – Even though my job stresses me out sometimes, I still love what I do. CSS Geek!

Day 9 – Grateful for the chance to show my baby how to build a snowman

Day 10 – I may be a loner, but I’m thankful for nights out with friends.

Day 11 – Out of the blue toddler performances. Where does she come up with this stuff? I’m amazed everyday.

Day 12 – Story time at the library! I love seeing her have fun out there.

Day 13 – Toddler outfits, how amazing is this one!?

Day 14 – Banana Bread! I don’t make it very often but I love it.

Dec 25, 2013
Got the new site live and I love it. It’s so much better than the old one. I’ve gotten two other sites launched in time for the new year and everything is looking up.
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays!
Jun 17, 2011
I wrote up a nice blog post a couple weeks ago, but of course I did it on the one computer in my house that can’t connect to the internet. Since I’m too lazy to hunt down a flash drive, and my husband is too lazy to make our router work it is languishing on that laptop and not being posted.
I’m currently in the car on my way to a family reunion for my husband, so I thought I might as well rewrite some of it and finally get a blog posted.
A lot has happened since I last posted. I’ve thought about posting a lot but somehow I just never do. I guess I’ll start with our trip.
We finally took our honeymoon trip to Ireland. It’s only been a year in the works. It was an awesome trip and we were lucky enough to spend a couple days at the beginning with friends in Connecticut. I think to do the trip justice it really needs its own post with pictures, so I’ll leave it at that for now.
Another major change was that we moved two weeks after we got back from the trip. We finally said goodbye to the roommate after two years and got our own place again. It’s pretty wonderful. Our apartment is much nicer.
The weirdest part for me is that for the first time in the last 8 years of living in Utah my address is no longer salt lake city. I feel a bit like a hypocrite since I swore I would never live anywhere but salt lake while I was still in Utah. However, I’m not ashamed to say that I’m actually liking this suburban living much more than I thought I would. I’m much happier with this living arrangement than I have been in years.
By far, however, the biggest and most exciting change has been my new job. That’s right, I am now an official professional web developer. After all the classes and hard work I feel like I’ve actually accomplished something. I’m no longer an office assistant/ receptionist or whatever else doing things I hate. I love what I do, and surprisingly I love where I do it. This is the best work environment I’ve been in, though I suppose that’s all biased by the fact that I’m doing what I love.
I started in April, and already I have learned so much. The best feeling is when I’m trying to figure something out and suddenly it just clicks and works. I’m loving finally having a real job that allows me those opportunities.
So those are the highlights of my life over the past couple months. Life is looking up right now and it’s a good feeling. I’m lucky to have the people and opportunities in my life that I do.
On a final note, I’m considering changing the focus of this site to something more personal as opposed to professional as I’ve found a job I love and don’t plan on leaving any time soon. So with that in mind I feel like I can expand the blog content a bit and hopefully I can convince myself to post more often.
Oct 15, 2010
Since my job switch I have had a bit more time to actually sit and start learning about HTML5. I had heard about some of the big changes that make the news, but I haven’t had the chance until now to sit down and see what is really changing. I like what I have learned so far.
To start out I have been reading through Dive into HTML5. It’s been a pretty good run down of not only the changes, but some web history as well.
I am of the generation of web coders that learned to code in XHTML rather than regular HTML. One of my concerns going into this was that I might have to relearn what I know. Luckily that is not the case. It looks like HTML5 is an expansion and betterment of coding standards rather than a redo. I can keep on coding with my XHTML habits and it will still be valid HTML5 code. Like anything in coding, there are a few changes that I will have to learn, but I don’t have to relearn all the habits I have developed so far, which is a relief. On top of that, it simplifies some of the more obscure parts of coding a page, like the doctype. I’m all for anything that makes it more straightforward and logical.
Admittedly I have not gotten too far in this process yet, but I like what I am seeing so far. I think the thing I like the most semantics wise is the addition of the header, nav, and footer elements among others. This is much nicer than having to assign names to everything, it’s just built right in. This change makes the whole document more intuitive and logical. It makes me happy.
Since I’m still just a baby coder there’s plenty that I haven’t done yet and have left to learn anyway, so it shouldn’t come as a big surprise that I haven’t done much work with Flash, but based on what little I have done and more importantly, what I’ve heard, I’m looking forward to learning more about the new multimedia features that are supported by HTML5. I haven’t gotten that far yet, but hopefully soon.
The most annoying thing right now (and a big reason why I haven’t actively made time to learn this) is compatibility with older browsers. Luckily there are plenty of smart people out there who have developed solutions for this, but it can be frustrating coding the same thing in different ways just to make sure older browsers will render it. No surprise, Internet Explorer is the worst of these.
Supposedly IE9 will be much better and support most HTML5 features. I downloaded the beta just the other day, but haven’t had much time to play around with it. If it’s anything like Windows 7 then maybe there is some hope. What I have heard so far has been good.